
CSL Plasma

CSL Plasma maintains plasma collection centers in Tucson and throughout the United States. CSL Plasma is committed to the highest standards to help donors give a valuable gift to those who require plasma-derived therapies to live healthier lives.

Student Opportunity Level
Expiration Date

Eye Care and Cure Corp.

Tucson-based Eye Care and Cure Corp. accepts interns, short- or longterm / any level. "At Eye Care and Cure we strive to be the "one-stop-shop" for all ophthalmic and optometric supplies, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, and ophthalmic instruments including optical and surgical instruments. We are committed to providing new and innovative products that enhance patient care and outcomes, and develop and manufacture new and original products.

Send your resume/C.V. and a description of your interests to Mr. Dan Carda.

Student Opportunity Level
Expiration Date

BIO5 Ambassador Internship

The BIO5 Ambassadors Internship is a semester-long opportunity for undergraduates of the University of Arizona. These students will assist the Public Affairs Team of the BIO5 Institute with their marketing initiatives, coordinating events, and leading tours, as well as designing their own projects to execute from the business side of science.

Student Opportunity Level
Expiration Date

UA’s Tech Launch Arizona

The UA’s Tech Launch Arizona division is looking for students with a science background, especially biology, pharmacology and related fields, who are interested in learning about how patents work, the business of science, technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

Student Opportunity Level
Expiration Date

Van Doorslaer Lab

The Van Doorslaer lab at the University of Arizona is looking for people to further develop tools for the papillomavirus episteme (PaVE). The lab is looking for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in computer science. An interest (maybe a minor?) in biology is a plus.

Student Opportunity Level
Expiration Date