Improving Health

Improving Health

The world’s greatest health challenges demand novel solutions. At the BIO5 Institute, our researchers delve deep to accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. Our faculty brings together renowned scientists and innovators from five core disciplines — agriculture, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and science — and pairs them with the latest technology in a collaborative environment where they develop bold solutions to the world’s more pressing health and environmental concerns.

Grand Challenges

BIO5 researchers are hyper-focused on tackling complex problems affecting Arizona and beyond, including how to prevent and treat disease, build healthy and sustainable ecosystems, and ensure water and food safety for an ever-expanding global population. Such profound challenges require teams of world-class innovators working together for the good of all.

Collaborative Environment

The Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building provides the setting for our researchers to make discoveries that are changing the world. The 177,000-square-foot facility features open labs, moveable equipment and plenty of flexible meeting spaces that encourage collaboration and team-science thinking among BIO5’s faculty and research staff of more than 350.

The Power of BIO5

The BIO5 Institute is more than just an institution — it’s a community of hundreds of dedicated researchers across five University of Arizona disciplines: agriculture, engineering, medicine, pharmacy and science. Backed by the latest technology and by working collaboratively, we accelerate the pace of scientific discoveries, leading to the development and commercialization of groundbreaking devices, diagnostics and treatments.

Changing the World with Your Help

The path to a healthier future requires diverse funding sources. As we strive to make significant strides in global health, we invite individuals and foundations who share our vision to make philanthropic investments. Your support can propel our mission further, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for all.

See Inside the BIO5 Institute

Interested in seeing our work up close? We’re always eager to showcase our progress and research. Join us on a guided tour and witness firsthand the revolutionary work being done at the BIO5 Institute.

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