Empowering future bioscience leaders: Recap of the 17th Annual Student Industry Networking Event

Feb. 26, 2025

With over 400 people participating in an afternoon of virtual and in-person networking, we asked both University of Arizona students and bioscience industry professionals how the event benefited them.

Three people talking at a networking event at the BIO5 Institute

On February 11, the BIO5 Institute and Bioindustry of Southern Arizona (BIOSA) hosted its 17th annual Student Industry Networking Event (SINE), providing University of Arizona undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to network and explore career paths within Arizona’s bioscience, biomedical, and biotechnology sectors. 

"SINE aims to be a self-discovery process for both the students and industry partners," said Vignesh Subbian, associate director of the BIO5 Institute. "This event helps University of Arizona students envision different career paths available to them as well as allows industry leaders an opportunity to connect with and advise students on bioscience careers."

Two informative Zoom panels drew 150 attendees and covered career resources and hiring trends, followed by an in-person networking event that connected over 250 students with 24 Arizona bioscience companies. 

We asked University of Arizona students and bioscience industry professionals about their experience.

For students: Exploring career prospects and learning necessary qualifications

Chelsea Fast, a previous attendee and applied biosciences major, found the event helpful in advancing her career prospects. 

“It was very informative and definitely helpful for trying to find internships or career progression after graduation. I came back again just to talk to more people and get a better idea,” said Fast. 

Nguyen Dang, another applied bioscience major attending for the first time, appreciated the insight into qualifications needed for job applications: 

“I was excited to learn more about the qualifications that are needed when trying to apply for a job,” said Dang. 


Group of people engaging in conversation at a networking event, some holding brochures and wearing name tags.

Two applied biosciences majors at the University of Arizona, Chelsea Fast (left) and Nguyen Dang (right), talk with a industry representative about insights for job applications and qualifications.

Both students agreed on the positive impact of the event. “ I don't think we’d know as much about the companies that are here in the area or what they require for skills,” they said. “This way we can work on them while we are still students.” 

For industry: Finding talent, expanding networks, and sharing advice 

Industry also shared their perspective on the event. 

Among the companies represented was Roche, a global leader in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics with an office located in Oro Valley. 

“We see the University of Arizona as an opportunity to bring in great talent into our workforce,” said Heidi Barnett, a representative from Roche, sharing her thoughts on the importance of the company’s relationship with the U of A and BIO5. 


Person presenting at a University of Arizona BIO5 Institute event, interacting with three attendees in front of informational banners.

Roche representative Heidi Barnett enjoys discussing opportunities with eager University of Arizona students who are passionate about improving people's lives.

Barnett discussed her enjoyment of talking to eager students, “I always like talking to people who are motivated by the mission of improving the lives of people with cancer.” 

Another key participant was Thomas B. Wilson, representing the SciTech Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting STEM education and awareness in Arizona and beyond. 

“From the energy and varied backgrounds of the students, to getting to know some of the fellow people tabling at this event, I really like the dynamics and believe in the effectiveness of this event,” said Wilson. 


Two people converse, with one person gesturing expressively while the other listens with a backpack on. A large abstract painting hangs in the background.

Thomas Wilson from the nonprofit SciTech appreciates the energy of the event focused on students but also takes advantage of networking with other bioscience industry representatives.

Wilson also emphasized the role that events like SINE play in connecting young professionals to the workforce, along with creating networking opportunities for industry colleagues. “One of my favorite parts is showing up early and introducing myself to everybody else tabling at the event, because that helps with my professional network.” 

Attending SINE for the first time as an industry representative, Jordan Collins, founder of Old World Oil,  talked about how the event allowed him to change student’s perspective on the potential for bio-based backgrounds in the oil industry. 

“I think I opened people’s eyes today,” said Collins. “ A lot of people never thought in a million years that oil industries recruit for a bio-based background, but I tell people there are a tremendous amount of opportunities.”

He also offered valuable advice for students emphasizing the importance of being open to development and having a passion for the field. 


Three individuals engaged in a discussion at a professional event, one of them is presenting or explaining a point.

Founder of Old World Oil, Jordan Collins emphasizes the importance of soft skills to students at the BIO5 Institute's 17th Annual Student Industry Networking Event.

“I look for ambitious and passionate people who are open to being trained and developing their soft skills,” said Collins. “That’s huge, because in the oil business world besides the manufacturing process, there’s a lot of networking that goes on.” 

See more photos of the 2025 event.