Data & Software Services
Members of BIO5 have access to computational resources and experts. This includes informatics tools, geographic information systems, machine learning, data analysis, and much more.
All these services are also available to external U of A users.

Biomedical Informatics
The Univeristy of Arizona Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics (CB2) advances the University of Arizona Health Sciences clinical research enterprise and mission with informatics, tools, clinical data sources, and shared human and technical resources. Services include electronic data capture, health informatics, biospecimen management, statistical consultation, sensor analysis and smart health platforms, and translational clinical bioinformatics.

Computation & Data Insight
The University of Arizona Institute for Computation & Data-Enabled Insight (ICDI) enables staff and students across all disciplines to unlock new research solutions and accelerate breakthrough discoveries using the power of information technologies. A few examples of services from ICDI include a working group on artificial intelligence that facilitates discussions on access equity and academic integrity, and access to planet data that researchers can use for geoscience, geographic information systems, and modeling.

CyVerse cyberinfrastructure provides scalable solutions for science in the age of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. CyVerse’s hardware, software, and staff enable researchers to easily store, share, and analyze large amounts of data. Offering an unprecedented degree of usability, scalability, and performance through an integrated data management system and compute resources, CyVerse provides one-stop resources for reproducible research, workflow automation, and collaboration.

Data Science
The Data Science Institute aims to foster the next generation of data-driven research by encouraging university-wide interdisciplinary collaboration, gaining external visibility, developing industry alliances, and increasing funding for U of A research. Through tools and training, funding support, and networking events, the Data Science Institute enables investigators to ask complex questions and achieve outcomes not easily attainable as individuals or within purely disciplinary teams.

The University of Arizona Health Sciences and BIO5 Institute Statistics Consulting Laboratory (StatLab) develops and adapts innovative methods to address emerging problems in science and medicine. The StatLab provides statistical expertise, personnel, and computing resources to facilitate study design and conduct, data acquisition protocols, data analysis, and the preparation of grants and manuscripts.
More Data & Software Resources
See what other services are available to our scientists and innovators through University of Arizona Research, Impact, and Innovation.