Annual Events

Annual Events

Events at the BIO5 Institute engage the community, create collaboration with industry, and connect our scientists to drive innovative research and products forward.

Public Events

Tour group learning from Felicia Goodrum at Behind BIO5 event

Behind BIO5

Behind BIO5 is a celebration of science providing a “public sneak peek” into our world-class research and discovery endeavors focused on solving the world’s grand challenges, improving society, and impacting Arizona. With lab tours, hands-on discovery stations, KEYS alumni poster presentations, inspiring discussions, and much more, this event enables the Arizona community to learn how research grows into meaningful innovation.

Three people speaking to a group at an event

BIO5 Inspiring Women in STEM

Open to the public, the annual BIO5 Inspiring Women in STEM event invites women across STEM fields to share their unique journeys. With panelists representing different career stages, this event features a keynote speaker and panel discussion. Following the panel discussion, a networking session occurs to inspire women in their pursuit of a STEM education and/or career.

Networking for Researchers & Students

Researcher enjoying doughnuts at Meet Your Neighbor

BIO5 Meet Your Neighbor

In line with the spirit of BIO5’s mission, faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to meet with their colleagues through the monthly Meet Your Neighbor event. Hosted in the Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building lobby, BIO5 members have the opportunity to connect with new and old faces and develop research collaborations over donuts and coffee.

Faculty speaking at the BIO5 Institute

Faculty Industry Networking Event

Sponsored by the BIO5 Institute and the Biotechnology Industry Organization of Southern Arizona (BIOSA), the Faculty Industry Networking Event (FINE) supports university and industry innovators in life sciences, medicine, engineering, computer, and information sciences as they pursue the commercialization of their discoveries, products, and ideas. The annual event offers concrete opportunities for professionals to team up on projects and pursue funding through Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants.

Other Events