Virtual student industry networking event connects trainees with Arizona industry bioscience leaders for thirteenth year
The annual Student Industry Networking Event is co-hosted by the BIO5 Institute and the Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona (BIOSA).

On February 16, UArizona students virtually connected with representatives from the Arizona bioscience, biomedical and biotechnology industries at the Student Industry Networking Event (SINE).
Now in its thirteenth year, the annual event attracts undergraduate and graduate students in the life sciences, medicine, chemistry, engineering, computer and information sciences and connects them with numerous bioscience organizations across Arizona. Sponsored by the BIO5 Institute and the Bioindustry Organization of Southern Arizona (BIOSA), SINE provides a learning opportunity to prepare trainees for future jobs in industry, business, service organizations, and administration.
This year’s SINE facilitated 134 unique connections between students and 26 companies. Students were able to meet with potential mentors and secure summer internships, and as in previous years, many attendees will be able to secure permanent employment after graduation because of the relationships fostered at the event.
Due to the virtual nature of the 2021 event, SINE 2021 was hosted on the Handshake platform and split into three hour-long sessions featuring different organizations and employers. During each session, representatives gave small presentations on their companies and hosted one-on-one meetings with students to provide a more personalized experience.
Students also consulted with the industry leaders about employment strategies and gained professional tips to ease the transition from college to the workforce.