Witte Lab

The Witte lab at the University of Arizona is looking for a postdoc interested in developing new imaging tools and techniques that employ a combination of light, sound, and radiofrequencies to image deep into tissue with novel contrast mechanisms.

Masel Lab

The Masel lab at the University of Arizona is looking for a postdoc interested in longterm trends in protein evolution.

Meredith Lab

The Meredith lab at the University of Arizona is looking for graduate students and postdocs in geobiology, microbial ecology, and ecosystem biogeochemistry.

UA’s Tech Launch Arizona

The UA’s Tech Launch Arizona division is looking for students with a science background, especially biology, pharmacology and related fields, who are interested in learning about how patents work, the business of science, technology transfer and entrepreneurship.

Van Doorslaer Lab

The Van Doorslaer lab at the University of Arizona is looking for people to further develop tools for the papillomavirus episteme (PaVE). The lab is looking for undergraduate students pursuing a degree in computer science. An interest (maybe a minor?) in biology is a plus.

Student Job Example

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The University of Arizona Statistics Consulting Laboratory (StatLab) develops and adapts innovative methods to address emerging problems in science and medicine. The StatLab provides statistical expertise, personnel, and computing resources to facilitate study design and conduct, data acquisition protocols, data analysis, and the preparation of grants and manuscripts.