Daniel Powell

Daniel Powell

Assistant Research Scientist
Department Affiliations
(520) 626-6447

Work Summary

Dr. Powell is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Valley Fever Center for Excellence. His work focuses on the use of animal models to study the host response to both Coccidioides vaccination as well as infection. Dr Powell uses a variety of transgenic mouse models coupled with cellular immunology to dissect these host responses. His particular interest is in the initial recognition steps that allow some hosts to control infection where others do not.

Research Interest

My approach to infectious diseases has always been multi-disciplinary. There is a constant arms race between both host and pathogen. Infection changes the host response and the host response exerts changes on the pathogen. Approaching these problems from a single host or pathogen centric view limits the chance for complete understanding. Most of my published works have been in the interface between both the host and the pathogen. Joining Bio5 will allow me to join other scientist interested in multi-disciplinary answers to complex questions.