Dean Billheimer

Dean Billheimer

Professor, Public Health
Director, Statistical Consulting
Professor, Statistics-GIDP
Professor, BIO5 Institute
Member of the General Faculty
Member of the Graduate Faculty
Primary Department
(520) 626-9902

Work Summary

My research develops new clinical trial and experimental study designs to allow 'learning from data' more efficiently. My research also develops new analysis methods to understand latent structure in data. This allows better understanding of disease processes, better targeting of existing treatments, and development of more effective new treatments. Finally, I am developing new statistical methods based on prediction of future events.

Research Interest

Dean Billheimer, PhD, works with the Arizona Statistics Consulting Laboratory (StatLab) to partner with scientists and physicians to advance discovery and understanding. The 'Stat Lab' provides statistical expertise, personnel and computing resources to facilitate study design and conduct, data acquisition protocols, data analysis, and the preparation of grants and manuscripts. Dr. Billheimer also works to adapt and develop new statistical methods to address emerging problems in science and medicine. Dr. Billheimer facilitates discovery translation and economic development by consulting with public and private organizations external to the University of Arizona. Keywords: Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Study Design, Bayesian Analysis


Ming, L. i., Gray, W., Zhang, H., Chung, C. H., Billheimer, D., Yarbrough, W. G., Liebler, D. C., Shyr, Y., & J., R. (2010). Comparative shotgun proteomics using spectral count data and quasi-likelihood modeling. Journal of Proteome Research, 9(8), 4295-4305.

PMID: 20586475;PMCID: PMC2920032;Abstract:

Shotgun proteomics provides the most powerful analytical platform for global inventory of complex proteomes using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and allows a global analysis of protein changes. Nevertheless, sampling of complex proteomes by current shotgun proteomics platforms is incomplete, and this contributes to variability in assessment of peptide and protein inventories by spectral counting approaches. Thus, shotgun proteomics data pose challenges in comparing proteomes from different biological states. We developed an analysis strategy using quasi-likelihood Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM), included in a graphical interface software package (QuasiTel) that reads standard output from protein assemblies created by IDPicker, an HTML-based user interface to query shotgun proteomic data sets. This approach was compared to four other statistical analysis strategies: Student t test, Wilcoxon rank test, Fisher's Exact test, and Poisson-based GLM. We analyzed the performance of these tests to identify differences in protein levels based on spectral counts in a shotgun data set in which equimolar amounts of 48 human proteins were spiked at different levels into whole yeast lysates. Both GLM approaches and the Fisher Exact test performed adequately, each with their unique limitations. We subsequently compared the proteomes of normal tonsil epithelium and HNSCC using this approach and identified 86 proteins with differential spectral counts between normal tonsil epithelium and HNSCC. We selected 18 proteins from this comparison for verification of protein levels between the individual normal and tumor tissues using liquid chromatography-multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (LC-MRM-MS). This analysis confirmed the magnitude and direction of the protein expression differences in all 6 proteins for which reliable data could be obtained. Our analysis demonstrates that shotgun proteomic data sets from different tissue phenotypes are sufficiently rich in quantitative information and that statistically significant differences in proteins spectral counts reflect the underlying biology of the samples. © 2010 American Chemical Society.

Berry, C. E., Billheimer, D., Jenkins, I. C., Lu, Z. J., Stern, D. A., Gerald, L. B., Carr, T. F., Guerra, S., Morgan, W. J., Wright, A. L., & Martinez, F. D. (2016). A Distinct Low Lung Function Trajectory from Childhood to the Fourth Decade of Life. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 194(5), 607-12.
BIO5 Collaborators
Dean Billheimer, Stefano Guerra, Fernando Martinez

Low maximally attained lung function increases the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease irrespective of the subsequent rate of lung function decline.

Salmon, S., Chen, H., Chen, S., Herbst, R., Tsao, A., Tran, H., Sandler, A., Billheimer, D., Shyr, Y., Lee, J., Massion, P., Brahmer, J., Schiller, J., Carbone, D., & Dang, T. P. (2009). Classification by mass spectrometry can accurately and reliably predict outcome in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with erlotinib-containing regimen. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 4(6), 689-696.

PMID: 19404214;PMCID: PMC3563261;Abstract:

Purpose: Although many lung cancers express the epidermal growth factor receptor and the vascular endothelial growth factor, only a small fraction of patients will respond to inhibitors of these pathways. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) has shown promise in biomarker discovery, potentially allowing the selection of patients who may benefit from such therapies. Here, we use a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionization MS proteomic algorithm developed from a small dataset of erlotinib-bevacizumab treated patients to predict the clinical outcome of patients treated with erlotinib alone. Methods: Pretreatment serum collected from patients in a phase I/II study of erlotinib in combination with bevacizumab for recurrent or refractory non-small cell lung cancer was used to develop a proteomic classifier. This classifier was validated using an independent treatment cohort and a control population. Result: A proteomic profile based on 11 distinct m/z features was developed. This predictive algorithm was associated with outcome using the univariate Cox proportional hazard model in the training set (p = 0.0006 for overall survival; p = 0.0012 for progression-free survival). The signature also predicted overall survival and progression-free survival outcome when applied to a blinded test set of patients treated with erlotinib alone on Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 3503 (n = 82, p 0.0001 and p = 0.0018, respectively) but not when applied to a cohort of patients treated with chemotherapy alone (n = 61, p = 0.128). Conclusion: The independently derived classifier supports the hypothesis that MS can reliably predict the outcome of patients treated with epidermal growth factor receptor kinase inhibitors. © 2009 by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

Lothrop, N. Z., Hussaini, K., Billheimer, D. D., & Beamer, P. I. (2016). Geographic Risk Factors and ER and Hospitalization Rates for Respiratory Illnesses in Southern Arizona. BMC Public Health.
Tabb, D. L., Vega-Montoto, L., Rudnick, P. A., Variyath, A. M., Ham, A. L., Bunk, D. M., Kilpatrick, L. E., Billheimer, D. D., Blackman, R. K., Cardasis, H. L., Carr, S. A., Clauser, K. R., Jaffe, J. D., Kowalski, K. A., Neubert, T. A., Regnier, F. E., Schilling, B., Tegeler, T. J., Wang, M., , Wang, P., et al. (2010). Repeatability and reproducibility in proteomic identifications by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Proteome Research, 9(2), 761-776.

PMID: 19921851;PMCID: PMC2818771;Abstract:

The complexity of proteomic instrumentation for LC-MS/MS introduces many possible sources of variability. Data-dependent sampling of peptides constitutes a stochastic element at the heart of discovery proteomics. Although this variation impacts the identification of peptides, proteomic identifications are far from completely random. In this study, we analyzed interlaboratory data sets from the NCI Clinical Proteomic Technology Assessment for Cancer to examine repeatability and reproducibility in peptide and protein identifications. Included data spanned 144 LC-MS/MS experiments on four Thermo LTQ and four Orbitrap instruments. Samples included yeast lysate, the NCI-20 defined dynamic range protein mix, and the Sigma UPS 1 defined equimolar protein mix. Some of our findings reinforced conventional wisdom, such as repeatability and reproducibility being higher for proteins than for peptides. Most lessons from the data, however, were more subtle. Orbitraps proved capable of higher repeatability and reproducibility, but aberrant performance occasionally erased these gains. Even the simplest protein digestions yielded more peptide ions than LC-MS/MS could identify during a single experiment. We observed that peptide lists from pairs of technical replicates overlapped by 35-60%, giving a range for peptide-level repeatability in these experiments. Sample complexity did not appear to affect peptide identification repeatability, even as numbers of identified spectra changed by an order of magnitude. Statistical analysis of protein spectral counts revealed greater stability across technical replicates for Orbitraps, making them superior to LTQ instruments for biomarker candidate discovery. The most repeatable peptides were those corresponding to conventional tryptic cleavage sites, those that produced intense MS signals, and those that resulted from proteins generating many distinct peptides. Reproducibility among different instruments of the same type lagged behind repeatability of technical replicates on a single instrument by several percent. These findings reinforce the importance of evaluating repeatability as a fundamental characteristic of analytical technologies. © 2010 American Chemical Society.